What is
Neurofeedback (EEG Biofeedback) is a noninvasive therapy that uses a computer program to turn brainwave signals into information that invites the brain to reorganize its electrical patterns for greater efficiency.
Every activity (brain state) involves a neuro-chemical process that creates electrical brainwave patterns. From sleeping, problem solving, meditating, listening and dreaming to feeling happy, planning, playing sports and arguing, every emotional state has a dominant brainwave frequency involved. When these patterns surge or get stuck, it may affect a person’s emotional stability, making it hard to focus, sleep or a variety of other health concerns.
Every activity (brain state) involves a neuro-chemical process that creates electrical brainwave patterns. From sleeping, problem solving, meditating, listening and dreaming to feeling happy, planning, playing sports and arguing, every emotional state has a dominant brainwave frequency involved. When these patterns surge or get stuck, it may affect a person’s emotional stability, making it hard to focus, sleep or a variety of other health concerns.
Neurofeedback therapy measures brainwave frequencies by attaching small electrodes to the head and ears, and mirroring that data back to the central nervous system. The brain then begins the process of creating more of some frequencies and less of others to help the mind and body reach a state of optimal regulation.
This type of training gives the central nervous system (CNS) feedback on what the brain is doing, allowing a person’s CNS to self-regulate and move from rigidity, repetition and reactivity, to a more proactive, flexible and stable system. Just as physical exercise strengthens muscles and builds physical coordination, Neurofeedback can boost a person’s ability to learn, increase memory and alertness, and even improve sleep habits. |
Schedule a FREE Consultation Today!
If you would like to learn more about the program, experience a demo, or inquire about Neurofeedback rentals, please contact our Neurofeedback Department by calling (612) 789-1236 or email [email protected].
If you would like to learn more about the program, experience a demo, or inquire about Neurofeedback rentals, please contact our Neurofeedback Department by calling (612) 789-1236 or email [email protected].
Consultations by appointment only |
Health Concerns
Complete a
Symptoms Check
If you or your child is experiencing emotional or behavioral problems, A Chance To Grow's Neurofeedback program may be the perfect wellness therapy for you. Please fill out our Symptoms Checklist to help us learn a little bit more about your current situation.
Health concerns Neurofeedback may address:
- Behavioral Challenges
- Aggressiveness, Opposition
- Inability to Focus, Poor Academics
- Emotional Instability, Lack of Motivation
- Hyperactivity, Impulsivity
- Substance Abuse
- Sleep Problems
- Headaches, Migraines, Chronic Pain
- Trauma-based Dysregulation
- Repetitive Thoughts and Behavior
- Poor Memory
What our clients say
“Before we started Neurofeedback training, my wife did not understand what people were saying and could not remember what she was told. Now, she is able to carry on conversations with loved ones and friends. She laughs, and jokes, is able to talk on the phone and remembers things she was told weeks ago! – Husband of wife who was suffering dementia
Visit our Neurofeedback Testimonials page and see what else our clients say about us!
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Neurofeedback Rental Systems Available
Contact us at [email protected] to reserve yours today!