Neuro Integrative Clinic Pricing model
It is meant for children, teens and adults who are performing outside the scope of typical insurance-based programs. They may be performing at a level "too high" according to insurance qualifying standardized testing or they have made limited gains with traditional insurance-based interventions. For questions, please contact us at (612) 789-1236 or email [email protected].
Screening info
Average Screening Time: 1-2 hours
Components: Reflex patterns, developmental movement, functional vision (if warranted), auditory integration screening (if warranted), review of history, interview with caregiver
specialty services
Direct Services
Components: Intervention/treatment, reflex pattern checks, introduction to new activities, caregiver training
Co-treatment (2 Therapists)
Components: Intervention/treatment, reflex pattern checks, introduction to new activities, caregiver training
Co-treatment with Insurance-based Therapists (OT, SLP, Vision)
Components: Intervention/treatment, reflex pattern checks, introduction to new activities as requested by insurance-based therapist, overseeing of client's care
Prerequisite: Following a consultation, intensive must be approved by Neuro Integrative Clinic staff to assure that this is an appropriate therapy model
Components: 4-6 hours per week, intervention/treatment, reflex pattern checks, introduction to new activities, caregiver training
Indirect Services
Components: Email, phone, video chat
Other Items
- Written report for initial screening
- MNRI Parent Manual: (recommended if coming on for Neuro Integrative intervention)