The Best Kept SecretHadley is a shy but sweet teenager who loves her family, friends and especially her dog, Buddy. From the beginning, school hasn’t come easy to her. Her parents first noticed something was amiss in second grade when they’d try to do homework with her and she’d cry and beg not to do it. Her writing looked more like a toddler’s handwriting and she couldn’t seem to stay focused on the class material. Her parents were worried – they knew she was smart, yet she struggled in virtually every subject in school, especially reading and math. They were determined to get her the help she needed and began searching for answers. A full neurological evaluation yielded diagnoses of ADHD and Dyslexia. > Continue reading about Hadley's journey Summer 2023 S.M.A.R.T. Workshops!We are excited to announce our upcoming schedule of S.M.A.R.T. and S.M.A.R.T. Pre-K Workshop dates for this summer (and beyond) at A Chance To Grow! If you are an educator working with Pre-K - 3rd graders, this is the program for YOU! Registration is now open for all workshops. All workshops will be held at A Chance To Grow in Minneapolis, MN unless otherwise noted. Register two weeks in advance and save $25 on your registration fee. Register today and secure your spot! Advanced-Brain Summer Intensives
If you or a loved one struggles with a lack of focus, sleep issues, emotional instability, inability to calm, or brain fog, then this intensive may be a good fit. Call (612) 789-1236 to schedule a free consultation and learn more about the program!
Vision Clinic Has a New Home!A Chance To Grow's Vision Services have moved offices in our building, just down the hall to suite 220. The new space provides more room for vision therapy activities, optometric equipment, eyeglass frames and offices. Additionally, the new space will allow us to see even more clients! Call us to day at (612) 789-1236 to schedule an exam and come see it for yourself! Or, take a video tour with Dr. May! MNRI Courses at ACTG Begin this Month!A Chance To Grow is hosting two Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI) courses this spring. The first course, titled Dynamic and Postural Reflex Integration, runs from April 21-24, 2023 and is led by Trina Deiss. The course focuses on the importance of primary motor reflex pattern maturation. The cost for the course is $756.
Minnesota Autism Conference: April 26-28
2023 Race for the Children is Back!
Turnquist Awarded Revitalization Grant
Garden of Hope Launches July 1
Employment OpeningsA Chance To Grow is hiring!
October 2024