S.M.A.R.T. at Home “I’m bored!” Do you ever hear your child saying this? Give them a fun activity to do that is brain boosting and will help them at home and in school! Tape lines on the floor, yardsticks, jump ropes, ribbon or string all make perfect balance beams for the home. Encourage children to walk very slowly with a heel-to-toe walk without falling off the line. Challenge older children to place objects on their head or shoulders to balance from beginning to end. Learning balance helps a child know where their body is in space. In a classroom, having a good sense of balance and body awareness helps them to remain seated in chair. Remaining seated and comfortable assists them in paying attention in class. At home, they just might remain seated during dinner! Great photo ideas like the ones above can be found on Pinterest. Check out our Pinterest page filled with S.M.A.R.T. ideas by clicking here. Teacher trap! Be cautious of using too many different numbers in track. We want the creeping movement to be smooth and automatic so the cards must contain review material. We suggest using a maximum of 4 different cards when making your pattern. For young students, 2-3 different numbers may be all they can handle. Downloads: Snowflake Cards (PDF) That's One S.M.A.R.T. Teacher!
During this long winter stretch, S.M.A.R.T. teachers add in new activities to keep the program fun and exciting. Have you tried some of the different balance activities? One of our favorite ways to add in activities is to create a double whammy! A great idea can be found in our S.M.A.R.T. Pre-K CORE guide on page 37. Musical Tables is a fun game that gets students creeping on all fours and practicing a balance pose. Have students start in the Stable Table position. Turn on music and have the children creep around the room. When the music stops have the children freeze in a Stable Table position. Creeping + Balance = Double Whammy of stimulation! Check out all of the levels of progression for this balance activity in your program guides so you can challenge your students’ ability when they are ready. References: Stable Table - S.M.A.R.T. Pre-K CORE guide page 37 Balance Sequence - S.M.A.R.T. Curriculum Guide page 47
AuthorSCheryl Smythe Archives
February 2025